Sunday, December 16, 2007

Trans Fats, What You Don't Know May Kill You

I recently attended a 2 day seminar held by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. One of the key note speakers was Walter Willet, M.D. - Chairman of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University. He spoke for 2 hours about a silent killer in the United States that most people don't even know about:

Trans Fat, otherwise known as partially hydrogenated oils or artificial, man made fat.

The trans fat definition is when hydrogen is pumped into vegetable oil - a process called "hydrogenation." This raises the level of L.D.L - bad cholesterol, but it reduces the level of H.D.L - good cholesterol in your body. Trans fats are a metabolic poison and they wipe out the all important Omega-3 Fatty Acids in your body - the essential fats you need for normal body function. They also cause blood clots inside blood vessels in the heart, brain, and throughout the body. Finally, Trans Fats cause inflammation within the body which weakens the immune system over time.

Not a pretty picture.

Trans Fats are found mainly in fried foods, baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, doughnuts, vegetable shortenings, most margarines and a whole host of other foods in these categories. Trans fats have literally snuck there way into our food source over the past decade or so and the damage being done is astounding.

Medical studies now show clear evidence that trans fats contribute to heart disease by boosting the bad cholesterol and cutting off the good cholesterol in the body. They also contribute to Diabetes, Dementia and many other forms of death and disability.

Trans fats are actually illegal in most countries and food manufacturers found using trans fats can actually face prison sentences. True story.

Is it any wonder that heart disease and Diabetes are the leading killers in the United States?

What the heck is going here?

Many food companies argue that trans fats make the food taste better and stay fresher longer.

Yeah, great. Thanks. We really appreciate the trade off.

What about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) you ask. Don't they protect us?

Not so fast.

Keep in mind, The FDA's job is to insure the success and profitability of the food and drug companies FIRST and to ensure the success of your health SECOND. Don't ever forget that.

Very unfortunate.

The good news is, things are about to change a bit because the health crisis in the United States has spun so far out of control that it is down right frightening.

Since January 2006, the FDA has been forced to require that food manufactures list trans fats content greater than 1/2 a gram per serving on supermarket foods. As a result, many food manufactures have reduced or eliminated trans fats all together. That's very good news, but only a start. We have a long, long way to go.

Restaurants are still not required to make trans fat information known to the public as of yet and obviously Americans are eating out more than ever.

Dr. Willet concludes in his recent best seller: Eat, Drink and Be Healthy- The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating, that we are consuming up to one half of our trans fats in restaurants. In one of his studies earlier this year, he found that if trans fats were eliminated from the American diet, some 228,000 heart attacks and 30,000 coronary deaths could be prevented. Eating just 5 grams daily of trans fat increases ones risk of heart disease by 25 percent, the study noted.

The Solution:

Avoid Saturated Fats and Trans Fats (obviously) as much as possible. Read labels very closely. It will actually say: 'Sat. fat' and 'Trans Fat' directly underneath 'Total fat' on all food labels now. This new label only took effect this year. Check it out right now. Grab a box of cereal or a loaf of bread and take a peek.

You also want to avoid anything on a label that says: "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil," or "vegetable shortening" as well. These are phrases used often times in place of trans fats.

Take it easy with the fast foods, fried foods and the pastries. We all know they taste great and should even be enjoyed once in awhile, but "moderation" MUST be exercised here.

Clearly, more care and awareness needs to be exercised by all of us.

More information can be found at:

Andrew J. Cass is an Alternative Health Consultant, Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC) with a specialization in Integrative Nutrition, Age Management, and Personal Development. Regional Manager with one of the fastest growing, privately held Nutraceutical Corporations in the United States, Natural Health and Wellness Author, Editor, Entrepreneur.

Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), The American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC), the American Nutraceutical Association (ANA), The National Health & Wellness Club, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the Teachers College at Columbia University, The Center For Educational Outreach And Innovation.

His consulting practice and home is in Miami, Florida.


Andrew J. Cass, CNC
(212) 969-9930

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