Saturday, December 15, 2007

Green Tea And The Power Of Green Tea Benefits

Do you drink Green Tea? If you don't, you may in a few minutes.

Are you aware of the many, many benefits of Green Tea?

Green tea contains compounds called polyphenols that contain antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and health enhancing properties. Green Tea is simply the dried leaves of the tea plant. EpigallocatechinGallate (EGCG), the main polyphenol in Green Tea has been proven to penetrate your body's cells and shield DNA from hydrogen peroxide, a dangerous free radical that exists all around us in the toxic world in which we live and in our highly processed and overly polluted food source.

Green Tea also has been proven to protect against cancer, lowers cholesterol levels, AND reduces blood clotting. The benefits of Green Tea are quite dramatic. It is also a weight loss aid that can promote the burning of fat and helps to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.

That's quite a resume, huh? Pretty powerful stuff.

Green Tea is by far, one of my favorite antioxidant and anti-aging super powers and the benefits of Green Tea tend to go on and on.

My recommendation to you:

Replace your daily coffee regimen with Green Tea instead.

Yikes! I know you didn't see that coming. Sorry.

It will definitely take some getting use to at first, for sure, but what a difference you will notice in the way you look and feel. Chances are you'll even shed a few pounds along the way as well.

Is there anyone uninterested in the benefits of Green Tea?

Note: Make sure your Green Tea is from an organic source and make sure you brew it yourself. It may cost you a bit more but, like anything in life, you get what you pay for. The benefits of Green Tea prepared this way is night and day over the Green Tea bags most people use.

Never cut corners when it comes to your health, your antioxidant regimen, and your anti-aging regimen. Green Tea in the tea bags is ok, but when its not freshly made it loses much of it's potency and, as you read above, you'll definitely want to receive many of those powerful benefits of Green Tea and those super antioxidant benefits.

Don't worry. Its pretty simple.

You can buy a glass tea mug that comes with its own strainer. Just pour some of the fresh Green Tea leaves into the strainer and pour hot water on top, let it sit for a few minutes, and you're in business with a very powerful anti-aging drink AND fat burner.

My favorite Green Tea brand: Rishi Tea - USDA Organic, Japanese Tea. It can be found at any natural health food store and, of course, at Whole Foods Market.

Drink your Green Tea the right way, from the right source and you may never go back to coffee again (Sorry Starbucks). Although, Starbucks does carry a full line of Tazo Tea now. Not a bad solution when you're on the go.

So take the '1 Health Tip' challenge and replace your coffee fix with Green Tea. Try it gradually at first and see how it goes. Never forget about the benefits of Green Tea.

Andrew J. Cass is an Alternative Health Consultant, Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC) with a specialization in Integrative Nutrition, Age Management, and Personal Development. Regional Manager with one of the fastest growing, privately held Nutraceutical Corporations in the United States, Natural Health and Wellness Author, Editor, Entrepreneur.

Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), The American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC), the American Nutraceutical Association (ANA), The National Health & Wellness Club, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the Teachers College at Columbia University, The Center For Educational Outreach And Innovation.

His consulting practice and home is in Miami, Florida.


Andrew J. Cass, CNC

(212) 969-9930

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